Studies link mango and its nutrients to several health benefits. Such as improved immunity and digestive health. Some polyphenols found in the fruit might even lower the risk of certain cancers.
Low in calories.
Another benefit of mango is that it’s low in calories.
One cup (165 grams) of fresh mango contains fewer than 100 calories and has a very low calorie density. Meaning that it has few calories for the volume of food it provides สมัคร ufabet
In fact, most fresh fruits and vegetables tend to have a low calorie density. One study found that consuming fresh fruit like mango at the start of a meal could help keep you from overeating later on in the meal.
Still, keep in mind this may not be the case for dried mango. Just 1 cup (160 grams)of dried contains 510 calories, 106 grams of sugar, and a higher calorie density.
Though dried mango is still rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it may be best to consume it in moderation due to its high calorie density and sugar content.
May help prevent diabetes
Fresh is relatively high in natural sugar compared with other fresh fruits, containing over 22 grams per cup (165 grams).
You might think this could be worrisome for people living with metabolic conditions like diabetes, or for those who are trying to limit their sugar intake.
However, no evidence suggests that eating fresh mango leads to diabetes or is unhealthy for people with this condition.
In fact, many studies have even linked a higher intake of fresh fruit with a lower risk of diabetes overall.
Not much research has examined the specific relationship between fresh mango and diabetes.
Contains immune-boosting nutrients.
Mango is a good source of immune-boosting nutrients.
One cup (165 grams) of mango provides 10% of your daily vitamin A needs .
Vitamin A is essential for a healthy immune system. Not getting enough of this vitamin is linked to a greater risk of infection .
Plus, 1 cup (165 grams) provides nearly 75% of your daily vitamin C needs. This vitamin can help your body produce more disease-fighting white blood cells, help these cells work more effectively, and improve your skin’s defenses.